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Top 5 Essential Oils for Balancing Hormones

Top 5 Essential Oils for Balancing Hormones

Are you feeling energy depleted and irritable, unable to sleep, having trouble staying focused or having difficulty losing weight? You may have attributed these symptoms to the natural hormone fluctuations that come with age. But behind the scenes, there is a host of pesky culprits wreaking havoc on your hormonal health: chronic stress, air pollution, chemical-laden foods and cleaning supplies, synthetic estrogens in personal care products. Women of all ages are vulnerable to the consequences, suffering from unnecessary hormone imbalance and frustrated by symptoms that are often dismissed by their doctors.

Learn how to heal hormonal chaos and revitalise your body from the inside out with the support of therapeutic grade essential oils. Discover how essential oils work on a cellular level to mitigate the toxic loads we carry. Understand how to use essential oils to reduce cravings, get deep, restful sleep, ease stress, improve mood swings,, banish symptoms of pms, regain focus and concentration, boost libido and increase energy.

Here are my Top 5 Essential Oils for Hormonal Synergy 

Clary Sage: 

  • Relief from symptoms from an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. 
  • Eases pain of menstrual cramps by relaxing smooth muscle, especially in combination with Lavender and Marjoram.
  • Eases the pains and stress of childbirth and stimulates contractions 
  • Studies have shown that simply inhaling Clary Sage dramatically reduces the body’s cortisol, our stress regulating hormone, as well as improving thyroid levels, thereby having an antidepressant effect on the body and enhancing overall mood.
  • Allows for a restful nights sleep and eases any negative moods

Ylang Ylang:

  • Aphrodisiac - diffuse at night!
  • Calming aroma for body and mind
  • Supports depression and mood swings 
  • Able to lower heart rate and provide an overall sense of relaxation 
  • Nourishing properties and antioxidants help to protect and care for the skin, especially during times of hormonal imbalance 


  • Uplifts the mood while calming the mind
  • Topically cleanse and purify the skin while positively affecting mood 
  • Even serious stress-induced disorders, many caused by hormonal imbalance, can be positively impacted by Bergamot 
  • By reducing the heart rate and blood pressure, bergamot has proved to lower the body’s stress responses, possibly linking it with a direct affect on adrenal glands 


  • Calms irritated complexions
  • Calms mind and body relieving stress and anxiety 
  • Combine with peppermint to cool skin during menopause 
  • Massage abdomen to ease menstrual cramps and balance emotions 
  • Use in an Epsom salt bath for tranquility 


  • Supports a healthy immune system (stress compromises health)
  • Dilute to cleanse and purify skin 
  • Thyme essential oil helps balance progesterone levels and could potentially delay the onset of menopause 
  • Supports natural hormone levels (offsetting pms)
  • Energises the body during times of weakness or stress
  • Apply with coconut oil to the inner ankles and bottoms of feet 

Hormone Synergy Blend 

10 drops Clary Sage

8 drops Lavender 

8 drops Geranium 

4 drops Bergamot 

4 drops Ylang Ylang

Top up a 10 ml roller bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil 

  • Order your essential oils www.mydoterra.com/shereedisaya

Consistency equals Equilibrium 

Utilising these oils on a consistent basis ensures that you will be providing your body with natural solutions for hormonal balance. The best applications for these essential oils are aromatic and topical. When working with topical application, apply over the wrist, feet, back of neck and ovaries with a carrier oil.

Don’t expect them to work immediately or only when your symptoms are out of control. The key is to be proactive and let your body learn to balance itself with the help of essential oils. This, in combination with lifestyle modifications in diet and exercise, will allow your body to heal itself and find its own new balance in an ever changing world. Your mind, body and soul will soon re-align and you will see the world in a new way after reclaiming your equilibrium.

Need help restoring balance and harmony to your life?  Personalised appointments are available with Sheree. Send a message to arrange a time that suits you.

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