The Top 9 Tips to not just Survive but THRIVE this Festive Period
Hi Friends,
Below are not just my tips based on my 15 years of research and training, but the longest lived communities in the world. The ones who live in the 'blue zones'.
1. Over eating? Give yourself permission to try a bit of everything this Xmas period with your work break up, family and try all of your Mum’s home cooking. Apart from that day, try the 5 second diet. Ask yourself after 5 seconds, do I really need to eat or drink this? Have a peppermint tea after big meals to aid digestion and include a walk, otherwise it sets like concrete as you will probably have felt. I know I have. The simple carbs (bread/ rice/ pasta), anything white and processed, your body converts these to sugars and you’ll probably put on weight!
Eat only to 80% full like the longest living communities.
3. You don’t have to catch up with every friend, attend every Christmas or New Year party, eat all the food or drink all the free alcohol. Be selective, be smart and ask yourself which ones you really want to attend. That advice you got or should have got when you were 18, ‘pace yourself’ and you might actually not damage your liver, brain, stomach or reputation, or put on 10kg.!
5. Its BBQ time of year. Go easy on the sausages and red meat. It is the worst fat. It blocks your arteries. The main artery to your heart is only 1/5th the width of your little finger!! That’s why the longest living communities in the world only eat meat about once a week or less!
7. Get into those salads, there are hundreds, add quinoa or chickpeas as a protein with every meal and you’ll look better, feel better, trim down and have energy and vitality to burn….
9. Avoid most sunscreens and moisturizers which contain mineral oil (petrol) based ingredients, moisturizers and preservatives with ‘benzylidene ‘benzoates’ (also called parabens). You can now get clear Zinc ones without nano particles. See your local Health Food store or good Chemist.
Look after yourself. You are worth it.
With love this festive period.
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