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Journey From Head to Body

Journey From Head to Body

After 7 years of not really knowing any better, I finally said it "THIS IS OVER" it wasn't a thought-through exit plan but it was a full body get the fuck out of this relationship decision. I didn't know it at the time but I had finally tapped into pure truth within. I had finally bypassed the brain and acted on the wisdom of my body.

Back then, (met him at 23yrs old, left when I was 30), I didn't have the self-love, self-compassion or understanding required to get myself out any sooner. I didn't hear my body's wisdom until it practically shrieked at me.

I didn't even realize I was operating under a shroud of subconscious wounding. I was a highly functioning woman on the outside but inside my connection to my body and spirit was weak and I was losing myself to self-doubt, resentment, anger and doing loops in my head over problems that I could not solve.

I didn't know that I was the one responsible because I just accepted it all as my reality...hardly questioning the heartache every time he implied I was useless or stupid, I'd say to myself "at least I know his faults" and "nobody is perfect"… fuck that, I am so eternally grateful and thankful to know what I know now. The head is full of stories and the body is truth.

I was taught in school to make pros and cons lists for big decisions. I didn't have any understanding of concepts like: 

  • Feeling into my body 
  • Energy / Frequency medicine 
  • Being the witness 
  • Understanding and releasing childhood conditioning
  • Or what parts of me I could trust and what parts were keeping me small..

If I could facilitate a message for you at this moment it would be:

  • to feel deep into stillness and body awareness
  • to feel the communication of your subtle energies within your body and hear the whispers of wisdom that travel from your subconscious 
  • to understand that emotional pain is released naturally within 90 seconds
  • If I could do that with just my words here and now I'd gift it to everyone on the planet. Helping bring people back home to themselves and sharpening their awareness of untapped wisdom..

I've taken my life's experiences plus years of personal growth, courses, mentoring, coaching and training to design a process called Love Intelligence, it started as an approach to relationships but it's really an approach to life.

I have designed this for women who desire deep clarity within, to feel in flow and in alignment with their feminine energy and their path, to find their voice, embrace their body wisdom as natural, to release the head voices that keep you small and fill yourself with so much love it ripples out into your home.

If you want to massively upgrade your awareness within conscious relating and feel the freedom that comes from rising in love through your body and not your brain then this offer is for you. I am offering you a 30-minute clarity and connection call to learn about my coaching and program called Love Intelligence.

At the very least you will come away with more clarity and insight on how to tap into your innate body wisdom but even better you may decide to join up for a coaching package that suits your schedule and budget. This can radically and unapologetically transform your whole perception of reality and it ripples a massive upgrade in positive energy throughout your family and home.

With Love Always,

Photography by Giselle Images

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