"There is no perfect person out there but there is the perfect mirror to your broken-ness" Dr Shefali.
This doesn't mean that if your partner is a narcissist so are you, this means that staying with a person who might be emotionally, mentally or physically manipulative or abusive shows that you are wounded in some area of your being. And let's face it, everyone is but just different degrees and causes.
E.g. you might have an abandonment wound and this plays out by being the people pleaser. Seeking validation as the "easygoing" or "kind" person can replace your voice and needs. This is how you learn to receive love instead of feeling empowered to be your authentic self. And subconsciously you may perceive rejection and aloneness as more painful than staying in an unhappy relationship.
Often we stay stuck in the reflection of our brokenness not because we are stupid but because we don't even realise we are wounded in the first place and we doubt our ability to attract and create something better. Or if we know we have a wound we don't really know what to do about it.
THESE ARE 6 COMMON WOUNDS that some often don't even realise are playing out in our relationships or if you do you might not know what to do about it.1) Fear of Abandonment: As above. The fear of being left alone can lead us to cling to toxic relationships, even when they're hurting us. The medicine is to discover where we are abandoning ourselves and how to give ourselves that feeling of safety and security and learn this is an internal job..
2) Low Self-Worth: When we don't fully value ourselves, we might accept mistreatment as our reality. Healing this wound involves recognizing our inherent worth and choosing to be with people who reflect that back to us, we use healthy boundaries as a tool..
3) Past Trauma: Big or small, trauma can unconsciously impact our decision-making, including staying in toxic dynamics. Our subconscious mind fears more of this is going to happen. Acknowledging and gaining the potential gift or wisdom from this past pain is the medicine to healing these patterns..
4) Need for Validation: Similar to low self-worth - seeking validation from others can make us vulnerable to toxic individuals who exploit this need. Healing involves learning to realease yourself from what others think, validate yourself and learning how to set healthy boundaries..
5) Lack of Loving Touch in Childhood: Not experiencing affectionate, healthy touch during our developmental stages can impact our ability to form healthy relationships. Healing involves creating a safe space to learn about giving and receiving loving touch and the circle of consent..
6) Being Stuck in a Victim Cycle: Repeatedly seeing ourselves as victims and having a negative mindset around how we will be treated by others can keep us trapped. Recognizing your innate power to create change through healing and ability to transform your mindeset is essential to breaking free and becoming a conscious creator...
Embracing Healing and Self-Love: As we heal, we create space for that real love, that authentic connection, that love which nurtures our soul. By learning how to heal from our past trauma (big or small) and embody it for indestructible self-love, we attract a new type of mirror, one that reflects our growth and happiness.
May you see more clearly the things you can change and have the support to create conscious love with another.
❤ Love always, starting with self.
- Kimberly
#innerhealing #healingtrauma #relationshipadvice #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoach #Communication #healthyboundaries #innerchildhealing
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